Lifestyle & Fine Art Photography

Dear Special Needs Mamas,

I see you.

In the chaotic rhythm of doctor appointments, therapy sessions, and navigating a world that often doesn't understand our journey, I see you.

I am you.

As a mom to a precious soul with unique needs, I know the weight of uncertainty, the fear, and the longing for moments frozen in time.

Embracing Our Beautiful Differences

Our families are different, beautifully so. When your child's laughter doesn't echo like the typical toddler or their milestones follow a different timetable, it can feel isolating.

The world may not understand the extra layers of care, the sleepless nights, or the nuanced victories we celebrate daily. But, my friend, I do. And I believe our families deserve to be celebrated.

Extraordinary in the Ordinary

In the journey of parenting a child with special needs, there are countless extraordinary moments tucked into the folds of the ordinary. It's the unspoken language, the shared glances, and the resilience we witness daily.

As a photographer, my mission is to capture these moments – the ones that might not be plastered across parenting magazines but are the heartbeat of our families.

John Smith


Known for his attention to detail and ability to create visually stunning compositions, Bella has worked on a wide range of projects, including weddings, music videos, corporate events, and short films. Her versatile skill set allows her to adapt to various environments and effectively collaborate with clients to bring their visions to life.

Bella Roswald


John Smith is a passionate videographer with a keen eye for capturing captivating moments. With over five years of experience in the industry, John has developed a unique storytelling style that beautifully combines creativity and technical expertise.

Bella Roswald


Known for his attention to detail and ability to create visually stunning compositions, Bella has worked on a wide range of projects, including weddings, music videos, corporate events, and short films. Her versatile skill set allows her to adapt to various environments and effectively collaborate with clients to bring their visions to life.

John Smith


John Smith is a passionate videographer with a keen eye for capturing captivating moments. With over five years of experience in the industry, John has developed a unique storytelling style that beautifully combines creativity and technical expertise.


Let's address some of the fears that come with a photo session with our unique families.

The Fear of the Lens

I understand the fear of the lens, the worry that the camera might expose vulnerabilities or amplify differences. But, let me share a secret – it's those very differences that make your family extraordinary. In my lens, I don't just see a child; I see strength, perseverance, and a story waiting to be told.

Navigating the Session

I get it. A typical photoshoot script might not align with our reality. What if my child doesn't make eye contact, laugh on cue, or sit independently? These worries are valid, and that's precisely why our sessions are different. They are crafted around your family's unique rhythm, embracing the pauses, the silences, and the unconventional beauty.

this time with your kids is so important

A Letter of Understanding

To my fellow special moms, this is a letter of understanding. I see the beauty in your journey, the strength in your daily battles, and the love that radiates despite the challenges. I know the hurdles you face, from scheduling sessions around therapy appointments to worrying about how the world perceives your family.

This s a safe space, where judgment is replaced with understanding, and differences are celebrated. This isn't just about photos; it's about the resilience, the joy, and your profound love.

learn more

Let's Document the Journey, Together

So, my dear friend, if you're hesitating, if the fear of the unknown is holding you back, let's embark on this journey together. Let's capture the moments that define your family, the moments that deserve to be preserved for a lifetime.
With love,

Inclusive Photographer, Special Needs Mom, and Advocate for Extraordinary Families