4 Reasons To Consider a Lifestyle Newborn Session

Have you dreamed of the day that you have a newborn baby to take to a studio and get all those amazingly adorable photos done?

You know the ones - The perfectly swaddled babe in a bucket, or leaned up on their tiny little hands. I know I sure have. Have I ever done it though..Hard no.

Not because they aren't cute, because oh my goodness, they are the most adorable photos!

But it's not for me, and that's ok. My postpartum, just birthed a human, not showered, milk leaking self is not getting dressed up, getting a baby and other siblings or my husband ready to go anywhere. I will likely not have had a shower since I birthed this little miracle. Or slept for that matter. Yeah, we aren't going anywhere.

And this is perfectly ok!

What I did for my own babies, was a little lifestyle newborn session. At home. In my comfy place. And in my comfy pants. Where I could use my own bathroom and didn't have to panic about extra diapers, did we forget the wipes? The formula or when do they need to eat again, oh no I don't have a nursing top on and this is going to be hectic. I already had everything I would need, because I wasn't leaving my house filled with my baby's things.

Pictures above & below are my baby!

The pictures above below are of my own baby. I made the bed (ok my husband did) opened up the window curtains, and took some photos of my baby. He had some health issues going on around this time, and there was no way I was taking this baby anywhere that wasn't the doctor's office. Point being, it didn't have to be "perfect"

Was it perfect, no. But also, it was perfect.

It was exactly what we wanted and how we needed to get them done. Right there in the comfort of our bedroom. And I know my husband and I will absolutely cherish these photos forever.

What even is a Lifestyle Newborn Session?

When you book a lifestyle newborn session, you are booking a photo session that will document the everyday moments and interactions of your family with your newest addition. This style newborn photography is becoming increasingly popular as it offers a more relaxed and natural approach to capturing the memories of this special time.

Unlike traditional studio newborn photography that focuses on posed, carefully staged images, lifestyle newborn photography focuses on capturing the real, raw and unposed moments of the family in their own home.

1. Relaxed & More Natural Images

One of the key aspects of a lifestyle newborn session, is capturing the connection and bond between the parents and the new baby. This type of photography allows the parents to relax, be themselves and interact with their new baby in a natural way.

Your photographer will often use available light, which add to the aspect of more natural and relaxed looking images. By focusing on the real, raw and unposed moments, the resulting images are not only beautiful but also timeless and truly capture the essence of the new family.

2. More Personal Images

Another great bonus of opting for a lifestyle newborn session, is capturing the new baby in their own environment.

By shooting in your home, the images will have a personal touch and reflect your unique style. Your photographer will use the baby's nursery, the parent's bedroom and/or the living room as the backdrop for the images. This will add a true visual of your warm and intimate atmosphere.

A lifestyle newborn session will allow your family to show off your new arrival in a much more natural and personal way.

3. Capture The Family - Not Just Baby

Lifestyle newborn photography is not just about capturing the baby. At your lifestyle newborn session you can be sure to also document the family as a whole.

 Your photographer will document siblings interacting with the new baby, capturing the love and excitement of the family as they welcome their newest addition. Adding in the parents for the full story. There is nothing more sweet than pictures of a family cuddled up on the parent's bed celebrating love, togetherness, and the newest addition to their family.

Along with siblings, your photographer will also capture images of the parents holding, cuddling and nurturing their new baby. Giving you images that truly capture the love and connection between the parents and baby. These images are not only beautiful but will also serve as a reminder of this special time in your family's life.

4. Less Stress!

One of the biggest benefits of lifestyle newborn photography, is that it is so much less stressful for the parents and the baby.

Most traditional, studio newborn sessions can be time-consuming (2-4 hours on average not including travel) and it can be stressful for the baby and the parents.

A lifestyle newborn photo session is much more relaxed and laid-back. Your photographer will work with your family to capture the images in a way that is natural and relaxed, without any pressure to pose or perform. This allows the whole family to focus on enjoying the moment and capturing the memories in a way that is comfortable and natural for everyone.

Is A Lifestyle Newborn Photo Session For You?

The beauty in this question, is that it that it is completely up to you and that you have options.

Both styles of newborn photography are so beautiful. If the thought of pulling off a studio session stresses or intimidates you like it does me, it's nice to know that you have options.

Regardless of what option you choose, I truly hope that you have the most amazing session for your new baby and leave with precious images to cherish forever.

Are you ready to find out more?

You can get familiar with my work by checking out my Portfolio and my rates can be found on the investment page.

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